Traditional Human Design identifies five distinctly different personality types. They are designed to complement each other.

I like to call them the Human Design Family.

  • Each of them has a well-defined purpose and set of instructions.

  • They are uniquely designed to support and bring out the best in each other.

The five personality types are the Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector.

Which Human Design type are you?

Find out when you get your free Human Design Chart. Click here.



Manifestors make up approximately 8% of the population. They are here to initiate action or start things.

  • You are innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, and consultants.

  • For example, 1) you generously give Generators and Manifesting Generators new ideas and projects to work on, and 2) your innovations benefit the whole HD family

Manifestors have an uncanny way of knowing what they want to do and how they want to do it.

  • You can start any project you dream of without waiting for direction, invitation, permission, or help.

  • You follow your creative urges.

Manifestors do not have unlimited sustainable energy.

  • For you optimum, you do well to create a restful lifestyle.


Generators and Manifesting Generators are here to work hard at doing, creating, and building things.

  • What you love most is to be busy doing one or several things at a time.

Generators and Mani-Genis make up about 70% of the population.

  • Your large number is necessary because there is much to create and build to support the evolution and survival of mankind.

You have a unique strategy for deciding which work is right for you.

  • It’s called your Sacral Response.

  • It’s a skill that you might have to learn or dust off and polish up.

You have unlimited and sustainable energy to master the things your sacral responds to.


Projectors make up 20% of the population. Your job is to direct and guide people who ask for your help.

  • You are an ideal collaborator for Generators and Manifesting Generators because they often need help choosing which idea or activity to work on.

Projectors passively understand people on a very deep level.

  • You are very empathic about the gifts, talents, and wisdom of others.

  • You know other people better than you know yourself.

To be a joy-filled and successful Projector, you must to wait for the right people to ask for your help.

  • You need to be recognized and appreciated for your gifts.

Unlike Generators and MGs, Projectors do not have unlimited, sustainable energy.

  • You are the type most likely to burnout

  • Creating a restful lifestyle is vital to your health


Reflectors reflect

  • You mirror the health of the Human Design family.

You know if a family, group, or community is functioning well as a team.

  • If a group is functioning well, you are content, happy, and excited

  • If the group is dysfunctional, you will be disappointed, unhappy, and hardly able to stand being a part of it

Reflectors live their best lives when people accept them as they are.

  • You make up less than 1% of the population.

  • You are rare and incredibly valuable to the Human Design family

Reflectors do not have unlimited sustainable energy. In your daily life, you need to prioritize rest and take your time when making decisions.

Now that you know your Human Design Type …

  • Are you surprised? Intrigued? Excited?

  • Maybe relieved? Validated?

  • Some folks feel confused, annoyed, or disappointed?

Whatever you are feeling, know that you are not alone.

Now that you have this information, shall I tell you your next step?

  • Learn how to use it.

  • Find out all the practical, everyday things you use it for. You can:

    • understand your partner and communicate in your marriage better

    • improve your relationships with friends, family, and colleagues

    • find the right work, career, and retirement plan

    • learn to trust your decisions, and not get talked out of them

    • Stop people pleasing, and allow others to manage their own beliefs and feelings

I know you have questions — at this point who wouldn’t?

Allow your questions and feelings to motivate you to go deeper. You can…

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