What is Human Design?

Human Design is the easiest way to find out:

1) Why you are on this planet and

2) What you are supposed to be doing.

Knowing your Human Design helps you:

  • Choose healthy relationships, careers, and business opportunities

  • Build self-acceptance, self-trust, and resilience

  • Unlearn unhelpful beliefs that can cause anxiety, panic attacks, and depression

  • Understand and manage frustration that sends you spinning mentally and emotionally

  • Learn how not to spin out when you feel frustrated and blocked



What is a Human Design Chart?

The Human Design Chart gives us all the information we ever wanted to know about ourselves. Who we are and what role we play on this earth. It also gives us an instruction manual to help us function as intended.

A Human Design Chart example

An Example of a Human Design Chart

We create the Human Design Chart by using your birth date, birth time, and birth location. The colorful diagram gives us your personality type and its instructions.

Click here to get your free Human Design Chart

Look closer and you can see that it is made up of elements from Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese, I’Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System, and Quantum Physics. Everything in the HD chart represents archetypal energy.

Your HD chart is the archetypal “map” of your life. Everything on it operates on a spectrum. Each element can be expressed in an infinite number of ways. How you express it is your choice.

The problem is most of us have been conditioned or influenced away from our design. So, unless you have formal training or help, it is hard to understand your Human Design chart on your own.

What are the Five Human Design Types?

When you get your free Human Design Chart, you will see a heading called “Type.” You will be one of the five traditional Human Design types:

A Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector.

Quantum Human Design (QHD) is an evolution of traditional Human Design language developed by my teacher Karen Curry Parker. In QHD the personality types are called:

The Initiator, Alchemist, Time Bender, Orchestrator, and Calibrator.

For a basic description of your type click here.


Human Design Specialists are trained experts who interpret your chart so you can start working with your type and strategy right away.

They have lived with their own Human Design for years, if not decades. They start where you are, and use language that you can understand.

Becoming a Human Design expert is the best job or career for the Generator and Projector type. They make excellent coaches, mentors, and guides. — My personal background is in nursing, counseling, and couples therapy.

what if I am new to Human Design?

Welcome! I invite you to find a Human Design specialist right away and at the very least get a mini human design reading.

When I first learned my human design, I received a printout of my type with my instructions or strategy. I have it to this day. It’s was like a cheat sheet, a reference, or a map for my HD journey.

If you are new to Human Design, the best way to start is with a Human Design Reading/Coaching Session.

Sometimes I offer Readings as a service. Click here to check.

In your Reading, you will receive enough understanding of your Human Design chart to begin using your Design in practical ways.

You will learn the basics of Human Design and get a sense of your personality type, your role in your community, your strategy for all things related to your life, and your unique way to make accurate life decisions.

learn more about how we can work together


What is human design good for?

  • Absolutely everything!

  • There isn’t any aspect of your life that your Human Design won’t touch and improve.

  • I teach, coach, and speak about how to use Human Design for daily living, career, and business.

  • I show you how to use it to find the right career or business for your type, how to align with your interests, and how to find partnerships, relationships, and environments that were made for you.

You will have a deeper understanding of:

  1. Why you are here

  2. What you’re supposed to be doing while you’re here

  3. How you are supposed to be doing it

  4. Why you are the way you are

  5. What is amazing about you

  6. Where your challenges and conundrums are, and

  7. How to manage them in real-time


after getting Human Design coaching, clients say:

✧ I don’t feel like I’m pushing a boulder up a hill anymore.

✧ I’ve got boundaries now. I used to be afraid to say “no.”

✧ Wow. That really resonates.


More Questions:

What if MY friends are worried about ME learning Human Design?

I totally get it and I know how it feels. I’ve been in the same spot myself.

It’s important to remember that mostly everyone means well. They love you.

I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness. Even after I left that faith, I had many fearful beliefs about astrology, yoga, and pretty much everything.

But, by the time I learned about Human Design, I was such a burned-out mess that I blew right past all of my fears and dove in headfirst.

I acted as if my life depended on it. And it did.

I needed help and it showed up as the Human Design System.

Here is what I’VE learned…

To get the benefits of your Human Design:

  1. You don’t have to follow any of the esoteric philosophies it is based on. I don’t.

  2. You don’t have to understand all of it to begin using it in your life. I didn’t.

  3. You just need to find your reason “why.” I did. — What’s yours?

Do you still have questions?