How Do I Start A Business Using My Human Design?

Brigitte Knight Human Design Projector and Business

How do you start a business using your Human Design? — With a working knowledge of your Design type, strategy, and energy level. This is the same answer I give when people ask me, how do I choose the right job or career for my Human Design type, how do I find a romantic partner with Human Design, and how do I raise my child using Human Design.

A working relationship with your Human Design will decrease the likelihood of wasted time building the wrong business.

Let’s dive in and find out how to use your Human Design to start a tailor-made career or business.

What do I need to know about my Human Design

to start a Business?

Hopefully, you know your type and strategy. If you need a refresher click here.

Can you answer these questions about your type and strategy? 

  1. What is my type’s purpose?

  2. What is my unique life theme? 

  3. Will my business showcase these two things?

  4. Does my type have sustainable work energy?

  5. How will my energy profile affect my business structure?

  6. How much energy do I have in the tank right now?

  7. Does the slightest effort or stress fatigue me?

And just for fun, do you have a lot of Open Centers in your Design?

  • If you do, you are a walking magnet for other people’s stuff, good or bad.

  • Open Centers can be confusing, anxiety-provoking, and exhausting.

Keep in mind your open centers when planning to start a business.

Manifestors, Projectors, or Reflectors …

You must use the answers to these questions as a foundation for your decisions. They will guide you away from creating a business that needs your presence around the clock.

  1. Being on-call is not for you.

  2. A persistent, traditional, 40-hour week is not for you.

  3. Building your business or career around rest breaks IS FOR YOU!

This is the beginning of a working-knowledge of your Human Design.

So, how does this work in the real world? Have a look at the following scenario: 

1. Who is our client?

Rio is a Manifestor with 7 out of 9 open centers.

2. What do we know?

Rio’s purpose is to be an innovator, founder, creator, and visionary. Manifestors, like Rio, initiate others into action by extending invitations and giving others something to respond to. Rio’s Open Centers provide her with amplified inspiration, ideas, plans, and energy, but all of it is unsustainable!

3. What happened when Rio tried to start a business?

Rio and their friend are passionate about the same things. One day Rio’s friend invited them to partner in a new, cutting-edge business idea. It will need a lot of asset creation, meetings, travel, and media hits. – Rio is dazzled. They are filling up with ideas, plans, and joy. Rio says, ‘Yes. I’m in. Let’s start tomorrow.”

Finally, alone, Rio notices a dark mood creeping in. They are no longer jumping for joy. They are irritated and angry. “Oh no. What have I done! Why did I say ‘yes.’ I DON’T want to do this.”

Rio can’t bring herself to disappoint their friend, so they grudgingly plan to keep their promise. Just thinking about it makes them want to go back to bed and pull the covers over their head.

4. What needs review and reinforcement? 

Rio's Human Design is already working for them. Their Human Design awareness tells them that their situation is energetically ‘off.’ They are not aligned with their design type, strategy, and energy level. They have entered the frustration and anger theme of their design. 

5. What needs attention?

  1. Rio 'responded’ like a Generator instead of ‘initiating’ like a Manifestor.

  2. They have limited, unsustainable energy but agreed to a busy, open-ended ground-up project.

  3. Manifestors are not supposed to ‘work’ like Generators.

  4. Manifestors, start a thing and move on to start another thing.

6. How do we help Rio become skilled at using their Manifestor Design?

  1. We reverse-engineer what they did and emphasize that Manifestors introduce, invent, found, design, consult, and THEN THEY LEAVE. — This makes them terrific project designers and consultants.

  2. Manifestors give other Design types something to do. They don’t do the work themselves.

  3. We help Rio imagine making different decisions when starting the perfect business for their Design.

Where do you go from here?

Using your Human Design to start a business AND gaining a working knowledge of your Human Design are not mutually exclusive.

  • In small ways, practice your Design daily.

  • Hang up a copy of your Human Design chart where you can see it often. This anchors your Design in your consciousness.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you will have a working knowledge of how it all comes together.

  • You will be in a better position to make accurate decisions about the business you want to start with Human Design. 

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Brigitte Knight is a Human Design educator and mentor as well as a Human Design informed counselor. She loves teaching people to use their Designs to improve their relationships.

She helps ex-Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others who have left high mind control environments to manage their anxiety, guilt, loneliness, and depression.

Her life’s experience as a Registered Nurse, therapist, ex-Jehovah’s Witness, and Human Design practitioner since 2006 can help you start living your best life.

Book a free call with Brigitte today