Brigitte Knight Coaching

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The Role You Play in Recognizing Projectors

I know you're busy working on your own Human Design, but may I drop a thought into your awareness?

► Understanding and applying Human Design helps you navigate your relationships better.

​Why am I telling you this?

Because you are a part of the Human Design family, and the common goal of this family is the evolution and survival of the human race. -- That seems important.​

Strong respectful relationships will accomplish this goal with ease. Teamwork makes the dream work. Lol. Sorry.

Strong relationships happen when:

  • Everyone is willing to imagine or consider the point of view of the other

  • Everyone extends even the smallest bit of understanding, dare I say compassion to the other

Am I right? -- Human Design helps us do these things with greater ease.

Easy Human Design Relationship Tips:

  • As you practice your own Design, can you be mindful of the relationship needs of the other Human Design types around you?

  • Ask yourself, what small thing can I keep in mind, say, or do to improve their day and my relationship with them?

Do you know or love a Projector?

What you should keep in mind:

  1. Recognition is the first part of the Projector strategy. It is important to their quality of life.

  2. They are happiest and most helpful to you when they feel seen, heard, and valued for what they are naturally good at.

  3. Wise Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, and Reflectors take the time to consider the obvious and subtle ways they can recognize their Projectors. — It’s not about flattery.

  4. Unrecognized Projectors experience bitterness. A bitter Projector is not fun to be around. They feel irritable and angry.

Are you a Human Design Projector type?

  1. Understanding the importance of recognition in the invitation process is important.

    • Do you know the difference between flattery and genuine recognition?

  2. This article is an opportunity for you to reflect upon or evaluate your relationships. And then what?

    • Plan to adjust or end those that do not genuinely recognize you.

► How well are you playing your part in Projector relationships?

All relationships are two-way streets.

It is no different when you apply your Human Design to your relationships.

For example:

A Real World Example:

Just the other day, I had a conversation with a Projector. She shared three stories which included mention of people recognizing her. I pointed this out to her and she beamed. However:

  • She hadn’t realized that she was receiving recognition

  • She thought people didn’t care about her

  • She wasn’t awake or aware of receiving overt or even subtle recognition

  • She was missing out on a vital part of her Projector strategy.

What a difference it made to her mood and her countenance to know that people were sending recognition her way quite often.

For more Projector relationship tips and reflections:

Click Here to Watch

or Click Here to Listen

Brigitte Knight is a Human Design educator and mentor as well as a Human Design informed counselor. She loves teaching people to use their Designs to improve their relationships.

She helps former Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others manage religious trauma, anxiety, guilt, loneliness, and depression.

Her life’s experience as a Registered Nurse, therapist, ex-Jehovah’s Witness, and Human Design practitioner since 2006 can help you start living your best life.

Book a free call with Brigitte today 

Media Transcript:

I just had a really fun consultation call with someone who is a projector. So it was a Projector to Projector call. It was interesting because it was a call about how I work. she wanted to know well what do you do. how do you use your human design in your work. so during the conversation, it was like a like a 30 minute conversation, we talked about a lot of things, but what I noticed about the client was how she reacted to recognition, it was interesting because she was telling me a story, and as she told me the story about someone who said well you know yada yada, she was like oh wow, I can't believe this person said that, and I asked, well why did you have that reaction, and she said I didn't know anyone else knew that there was a problem. she thought she was the only one in the world who felt the way she felt, and here she was hearing someone spontaneously saying no it's an absolute fact. It made her feel really good and the more we talked she shared an example of her daughter wanting her to move closer to her. and she said you know I honestly didn't know that they cared about me, and I said wow OK. Then I think there was a third example. so I think what I took away from the conversation is every example where she really lit up and really showed joy was when she was being validated, when she was being recognized, when she was being loved, appreciated, made to feel valuable. All of them were spontaneous. She did’t ask for any of it. it was just in conversation and in passing. she hadn't even really noticed it herself. so I wanted to share this experience with you because there's two sides to projector recognition. one is if you have a projector in your family or a projector at work and you know that you want to get more out of them and encourage them to be engaged and joyful in their work, the way to do that is to listen. listen to them as they speak. just be listening all the time, and think about ways to reflect back to them what you appreciate about them. what you love about them because that's what lights them up that's what makes them love you. that's what makes them want to be with you and support you and do whatever they can to make your life easier. on the other side of it projectors, what's great for you to recognize is what is recognition feels like in your body. I'm a projector so I know what it feels like. so when I look at another projector that are responding to recognition I know what it looks like and I know they're not accustomed to it, because projectors are here to support and to guide and to hold space for generators and the other types. so there's a lot of giving out. but what fuels them is receiving recognition. it chooses them up. jazzes them and makes them more receptive and aware and wanting of invitations. it makes them ready to accept invitations and ready to dive in and start doing what needs to be done to fulfill that invitation. so I hope that made sense I just felt like I needed to come in here and share that projector recognition is a two-way street it requires that we listen attentively which is what projectors do. listen to what lights them up. if we don't know exactly how to show appreciation or what to say or we get tongue tide because we're not used to doing it, you can sometimes just share what's in your heart like “wow I love the way you said.” I mean that seems so simple but for a projector it’s cool that you would knowledge my words because my words come from a deep place of thought and love.  sometimes just repeat what they say. “it was so much fun to do ABC with you. you can say I love that you're so passionate about your work, I love watching you have fun doing your work, it's not that hard. it's active listening and actively being a part of their world for a moment. It lets them know that you're seeing them and hearing them. it makes them feel really good and opens up the world to them. it gives them space to do what they're good at which is supporting and helping the human design family. so I hope that was helpful. it was just something that spring for my heart today and I wanted to share that with you. have a beautiful rest of the day.