Melissa is a Human Design Projector personality type. She is an enthusiastic Human Design self-study student but reached out for help applying it to burnout-inducing situations. - For over a year and a half, on a weekly basis, she and I have worked together.
She shares a bit of her story in the audio below.
During a recent session, Melissa blew my mind at how seamlessly she used her Projector process to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people to receive the correct Projector recognition for her uniqueness.
This didn't happen overnight. - She worked really hard, trusted the process, and stuck with it.
After hard-won Projector successes, she trusts her strategy and intuition to guide and protect her. So much so that I can see her literally playing with her 3/5 Profile. - In real-time she thinks about trying new things without fear of judgment or loss. Things that were unthinkable once-upon-a-time and not too far in the past.
Now, she rubs her hands together with glee in anticipation of adventures ahead. - "Mmmm? What else can I use my Human Design on?"
I've invited Melissa to share how she became an unbothered, still, and yet powerful Projector guide and example for all of us.
In Melissa's own words:
There are so many paths to Human Design. Melissa was studying the Enneagram. She really liked it but told me it didn't have instructions about how to use it. - In true Projector fashion, she was invited by a friend to look into Human Design.
She found Human Design and HD Coaching, hit the ground running, and never looked back.
If you would like my help using Human Design in your life with a big or small personal issue, click here!
[00:00:00] - Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm a 3/ 5 Emotional Projector and I wanted to share a little bit about my journey with Human Design. I found out about Human Design through a friend, and he was just passing through my life, but he introduced me to Human Design at the time I was really into the Enneagram. I was telling him about it and he encouraged me to do a little more research on Human Design and actually gifted me a Human Design reading.
[00:00:32] - And I remember during that reading it felt like the woman who was doing the reading knew me in a way that I had never been able to express myself. She gave me language and affirmation and understanding about parts of myself that had never been so clear. I tried to consume as much information as possible, but the learning always felt flat.
[00:00:57] - I couldn't transfer what I knew in my brain to show up in my heart and really bring change to my life. One day I Googled human design projector burnout, and I found Brigitte's website. Her words spoke to me immediately and I sent an inquiry about scheduling a session. She had a question that said, how can I help you?
[00:01:23] - And I desperately wrote, I'm a burned out projector and I could use some help. And help, she has. Brigitte not only taught me about my own chart but also about the charts of others around me. It became this way that I could really empathize and understand myself, other people and was incredibly powerful.
[00:01:52] - I began to experiment and observe and would bring my experiences back to our sessions and we would really dissect them and appreciate what I was able to learn and observe in real time and apply a layer of Human Design to help bring some additional understanding. Together we really explored the technical aspects of Human Design but in the context of what I was living.
[00:02:29] - During a recent work trip, I found myself in a moment of self judgment. I worried that I had shown up too big, too sarcastic, too loud, and that I had taken up too much space. But on the final day, as my colleagues shared their highlights from the week, one of them said that her highlight was me. And it really was such a beautiful moment to get to share with Brigitte in my session because it was this beautiful recognition that somebody had given me.
[00:02:57] - And it was that kind of recognition that makes you feel both embarrassed, exposed and overjoyed really too. And that kind of recognition affirms that I'm on the right track and it just gave pause for Brigitte and I to reflect on how far I'd come. What that colleague of mine was experiencing was my energy. My aura, if you will. And that truly comes from that centered place from within. I had lost sight of that. That moment really encapsulated the journey that I've been on over the past year plus.
[00:03:42] - For the first time in my life, I've been living alone. And while it has been painful and lonely at times it's also allowed me to connect with myself without the influence of other's energy around me. It gives me a much stronger baseline and understanding for who I am when I'm in my own essence and energy. When I started working with Brigitte, I was sacrificing so much of myself for others that I had become bitter and burned out.
[00:04:12] - I couldn't express or even understand my own needs, especially my unique needs as a Projector. This past year has been about experimenting, observing, and stepping out of the safety of my overthinking brain to experience life fully in my body. I used to think about deconditioning as this place that you arrive to.
[00:04:39] - And arriving would mean that all my problems were solved. But I've learned that this place exists within me at alll times. It takes constant effort -- Forgetting and relearning to return to that stillness inside of me. To reconnect with my true essence really over and over again. And when I do, as my colleague's story illustrates, my energy becomes a magnetic force that draws people into my world.
[00:05:06] - I'm still learning to navigate my design. Like when my root center pushes me into thinking I can't rest until everything is done, or when I struggle to let go of people because I see something in them that others can't. Human Design for me has been like a secret decoder ring for life.
[00:05:31] - And it's become more fun as I've stopped overthinking it and started to play with it. - It's a lens through which I see the world. Helping me to understand and experience the energy of others in a different and more profound way. What a special gift. -- And I am so grateful for the guidance, the support, and the encouragement that Brigitte has provided me along my journey. Thank you for listening.
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