When you find out you’re a Human Design Manifesting Generator, you may wonder how you differ from a Manifestor.
The familiar hierarchy-org-chart-looking visual of the Types makes it seem like some types are more important than others. - But that’s not how it works.
Each type is valuable, and none are “better” than the others—they just play different roles.
And the best part?
Each type has its own strategy and potential to influence its community and make an impact.
The difference between the Manifestor and the Manifesting Generator is:
A great follow-up question is:
Are Manifesting Generators more like the Manifestor type than the Generator type?
The following explanation from Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, gives us a clue. (Note some light editing for readibility & hat tip to Sandra Shih's Facebook post.)
Ra Uru Hu said:
"The Manifesting Generator information confuses people. - There is the word Manifesting first of all.
Manifesting does not mean thinking things into existence or aligning yourself energetically with things your mind thinks you need or what you desire. [...]
Manifesting Generators did not come from a combo of Manifestors and Generators.
[Manifesting Generators] came first, the responsive survivalist integration beings. These are the pure Manifesting Generators. The 34-20s.
The other [Manifesting Generators] are Generators with Manifesting features.
All energy moves to the Throat, which is metamorphosis and manifestation - expressing ourselves in the world. - [Note that Manifesting Generators and Manifestors by design have a defined Throat that is connected to a motor.]
[Manifesting Generators with the Channel] 34-20 [Sacral to Throat] who are not emotionally defined can move so fast, and can easily bypass response and move from the mind.
They can skip steps though they aren’t here to skip steps. - It’s more that through response they know how to do things in a new way.
There may be trial and error with this so that they realize some things cannot be skipped. This is one place they can get frustrated - they don’t want to go back to remedy what’s been missed. - This is when Manifesting Generators can quit.
One natural guide for Manifesting Generators are those with [Channel] 43-23 who are wired to come up with new ways of thinking, structuring ideas, etc." - [The author of this article, Brigitte Knight, is a Projector with Channel 43-23.]
Is there a difference between how Pure Generators, Manifesting Generators, and Emotionally Defined Manifesting Generators respond to their outer reality (outside stimulus)?
Ra Uru Hu contnues:
"Here’s a quote from the Projectors group [to Manifesting Generators]: The question is:
1. Are [Manifesting Generators] ready to be guided, and
2. Are there ready and correct guides out there?
“Whatever your configuration out of [Gate] 34, it is always something for you to recognize, that you have to see, and you have to begin to see that it is not a weakness to accept guidance. [-] That it is not a weakness to accept guidance; that guidance is necessary."
[...] this is the deepest theme for all Manifesting Generators.
You see, Generators only need to just respond. The Pure Generator has it easy - just respond. The Pure Generator that [is] unemotional - they can be a miracle in a moment. I mean, just respond.
But when you're dealing with Manifesting Generating, it's not just a matter of responding - it also is a matter of accepting guidance.
That manifesting capacity needs to be guided. And so many Manifesting Generators, regardless of how they respond, so many Manifesting Generators need to be directly guided.
In other words, direction for them, what's possible for them, really has to be given to them, or offered for them to respond to. Guidance for them is very important and Manifesting Generators, particularly as children, need a great deal of guidance in order to get them away from being Manifestors and living on the Manifesting energy.
Now, if you're not a [Channel] 20 - 34 and you're a Manifesting Generator, your Sacral will save you. Because you can go directly to your Sacral.
But if you're a 20 - 34, [...], the guidance is something that's almost invariably detailed and verbal. And one of the real illnesses of Manifesting Generating, is that all of the other kinds of Manifesting Generators try to be like the 20 - 34. - It's the Charismatic example. It's the Charismatic example of Manifesting Generating.
You see, Pure Generators have it much easier in terms of connecting to their Sacral than Manifesting Generators.
And it's not because the Sacral is in any way distorted in the Manifesting Generator.
It's that the deepest Manifesting Generator conditioning is not from Manifestors, but from the abundance in the world of 20 - 34s, who bring the Pure Manifesting Generating, which is Silent Sacral, Deeply Verbal. - And that [is what] conditions Manifesting Generators away from what is their Pure and True Nature [and makes them believe that they are Manifestors.]”
-- Ra Uru Hu
It's not always easy to read and understand Ra's words verbatim - you may have to read them several times.
If you are a Manifesting Generator with the Channel 20-34, you make things happen quickly. - What wasn't there is now there. What wasn't happening is now happening.
It looks and feels very Manifestor-like. But it's not the same. It's a different mechanical process.
All Manifesting Generators have to respond first. - Manifestors do not.
For some Manifesting Generators, their Sacral response is so fast that it appears to be "silent." But make no mistake, it happened.
Not "hearing" your response means that before you know it, you're full steam ahead into a project or relationship and heaven help anyone that gets in your way.
You can get caught up in things that are not correct for your life's path, theme, or purpose.
If it happens often, you will experience frustration, anger, and burnout.
According to Ra, having a guide that has the Channel 43-23 can help Manifesting Generators (especially those with the fast acting and charismatic Channel 20-34) clarify whether they are responding like a True and Pure Manifesting Generator, or initiating like a Manifestor.
Sidebar: Another difference between Manifestors and Manifesting Generators is Manifestors attuned to their inner urges and mechanical process, do not need guides.
Manifesting Generators who:
... Risk wasting time, money, and energy. - Not to mention mental, physical, and emotional burnout.
Simply put, it lands them in their Not-self experience of frustration and anger. - It's not pretty.
Developing an awareness of their "response" sensations for "stop or go" or "yes and no" puts Manifesting Generators on a satisfying life course.
If you are a Manifesting Generator, your goal is to have "manifestation" experiences that introduce new or more efficent ways of doing things, and rather than feeling stuck, frustrated, and angry, you feel energized, excited, and in flow.
In case you aren't aware, all Human Design types can manifest powerful influence and game-changing things.
How it's done is not a secret. - It means using your Human Design compass (strategy and authority), observing the outcomes, and trusting it to guide you.
For Manifesting Generators, it also means slowing down, getting acquainted with your response sensations, and being open to feedback and guidance.
If you'd like my help identifying your "silent" Sacral Signals so you can steer your life's path with great accuracy, click here for options.
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