The Manifestor Strategy

Human Design Manifestor Types are powerful, pure energy people who start impactful things. The purpose of Manifestor is to initiate people and new ventures.

You give other people delicious opportunities to support you in realizing your dreams.

Now, we all know that people are more inclined to follow leaders who paint a vivid picture of their vision. It’s no different for the powerful Manifestor.

Basic Manifestor Facts

The Manifestor strategy for success is their ability and willingness to inform people about their big ideas and decisions.

If Manifestors can sell their dream, project, or goal with confidence and a willing heart, they will attract the help they need to get it done.

People who feel informed and clear about a new initiative will assist rather than resist.

  • Your Human Design Strategy is the instruction manual for your type.
  • When you do not use their strategy, the theme of your life is frustration, fatigue, insecurity, fear, and anger.
  • When you use your strategy, your life is influential and peaceful.

It’s hard to be an impactful Manifestor when you don’t know how to use your Human Design Strategy.

Decisions regarding your career, business, and personal relationships will feel draining. They won’t work out the way you want them to.

Own Your Strategy

Energetically, Manifestors are self-contained. They know what is right for them and can manifest a lot by themselves.

They don’t need to bounce their ideas off of anyone. They do not need input or permission to do anything.

They can self-inspire, envision, conceptualize, plan, and execute. It’s a very internal and private creative process.

Once Manifestors have made a decision:

  • They inform everyone that will be impacted.
  • They invite qualified people to work at making their ideas a reality.

Manifestors give Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors things to do. They initiate them into taking action according to the Design of their Human Design type.

Ideally, the vibe of Manifestor work-life should be that of a project manager or consultant. - Manifestors do not do the work.

Are you acting like a Manifestor?

Are you practicing the Manifestor strategy?

If you know a Manifestor, can you help them use their Manifestor strategy so their life experience is peaceful?

Embody Manifestor Peace Not Anger

  • DO inform
  • DO delegate
  • DO care about the effect of your powerful energy on others
  • DO learn the type, strategy, and energy levels of your partner, family, and those that report to you
  • DO become a student of effective communication
  • DO learn your tolerance level for other people's energy and plan your life accordingly
  • DO rest, go on vacation
  • DO leave others to do the work and move on to dream up a new project

Manifestors And The Other Human Design Types

Manifestors and Generators Relationship

The Manifestor and Generator relationship is crucial to the evolution and survival of mankind.

Here's how it works:

  • A Manifestor dreams up something new and exciting.
  • They inform and invite a worker-bee Generator to help them make it happen.
  • The Generator excitedly responds YES to the Manifestor’s invitation.
  • They get to work making it happen because they love to work

Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors

Projectors and Reflectors bring order, direction, and efficiency to Manifestor projects. However, many couples, families, and organization structures overlook their value.

Even people versed in Human Design subconsciously exclude Projectors and Reflectors from their workforce.

Why does this happen? As a Projector, here is my two cents:

In traditional Human Design, the takeaways regarding Projectors are that they are here to manage others, they have to wait for invitations to act, and they need to prioritize resting. They are not worker-bees like the Generators. They are not at their best in traditional work structures.

So if you are a Manifestor who needs workers to bring your ideas into reality, you will naturally wonder how a Projector or Reflector can make a productive contribution.

This thought is understandable because globally, the valued work model prioritizes the Manifestor-Generator relationship. Ideas, production, automation, output, and profit. — How does the Projector and Reflector purpose, strategy, and energy level fit into that strongly held mindset?

Pro Tip:

Although you are a Manifetor, understanding the other types and how to work with them is to your benefit.

Here is a list of the value added by Projectors and Reflectors:

  • They bring big picture, keen awareness, and guidance to the table.
  • They guide and direct while busy Generators and Manifesting Generators do the work.
  • They making sure you work smarter not harder
  • Projectors direct strategy and energy.
  • Reflectors provide feedback regarding the health and effectiveness of the team.
  • Projectors and Reflectors save you time and frustration.

Remember to invite and include Projectors or Reflectors open possibilities to any project.

CASE STUDY: Manifestors Initiating in The Real World

Recently, I coached a Manifestor who knew the basics of their Human Design type and strategy.

As we talked about her desire for more satisfying friendships, it was obvious that she was WAITING to be initiated and invited by others.

  • “Waiting” is not part of the Manifestor life strategy. Manifestors are initiators. They get things started.

I learned that when she tried to initiate others, somehow she ended up doing all the work herself. She was over it!

  • “Doing the work” is not part of the Manifestor purpose. They give people work to do.

In effect, my Manifester client had became a “Generator-slave.” — Rather than delegating, they let others delegate to them.

The script is flipped on the wrong side... When a Generator is initiating and the Manifestor is responding.

When this happens...

  • The energy flow is confused and chaotic.
  • Relationships suffer.
  • The project is more difficult than it needs to be and/or it it will fail.

To regain energetic harmony and alignment:

  • My client and I worked on making her strategy of initiating and informing come alive.
  • We discussed specific examples from her life and re-engineered them using her strategy.
  • She agreed to look for opportunities to experiment with her new understanding of her strategy.

So... What does an initiating Manifestor look like in the real world?

Two days later, my Manifestor client left me an excited message.

They reported that they had INITIATED invitations to a dinner party. In a group chat, they INFORMED EVERYONE that they would provide their home and the main dish.


Suddenly people piped up to INFORM HER that they would clean and bring more food items. What?

They Couldn't believe it!

Mind blown.

What just happened?

The pause happened.

The pause brought the energy of standing in the powerful belief of “I am a Manifestor.”

The pause energetically signaled that the Manifestor had done their job. They initiated and informed.

The strategic pause created space for people to respond, get to work, and do the heavy lifting.

There it is.

An example of how things can change for the better when you use your strategy.

Manifestors are powerful energy beings.

When you initiate action magical things happen.

When you understand and use your strategy to initiate and inform others of your influential plans, you will attract all the support your need.

Your strategy transforms your relationships. They are more joyful and peaceful.

When you initiate and invite Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors, you can leave them to carry on with the work. This means you can take a rest before you start your next project.

How does that sound? Awesome right?

If you would like to sharpen how you use your Manifestor Design and Strategy, I can help you.

Book a free call and let’s solve your career, relationship, and personal issues with your Human Design.





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