Navigate Major Life Changes with Human Design

This article began as a guide for Generators and Projectors to use Human Design to find their best career, work, or job. - And to some degree it's still about that.

However, I've noticed that Human Design beginners often approach their new tools of Strategy and Authority as if they are silver bullets or a magic wand. - They are not. There is a learning curve to your change and transformation process.

So instead... this article is for all Human Design Types who want to make big changes in their lives using Human Design. - Including, but not limited to, finding the right job for your Human Design.

Instead of asking what is the best job for my Human Design and how can I get it, a better first question might be:

How do I make sure I'm ready for the change or transformation I want?

Do I have a solid Human Design foundation, healthy habits, and social support to:

  • Make my best Big Life Decisions
  • Carry out the responsibilities of my decisions

Big Life Decisions include: relationships, love, health, career, money, and time

Big Life Decisions require investments of energy.

Human Design helps you decide where, whenn and how to invest your energy.

NOTE WELL: Find the best career with Human Design when you use this Do It Yourself Resource

What do I need to consider to have the best shot at making the best Big Life Decisions?

To answer this queston let's imagine our thought process and approach to changing our career or job with Human Design:

We all know what it's like to do a job we hate. If you are a Human Design Projector, Generator, or Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, or Reflector you are familiar with the frustration, bitterness, disappointment, and anger of doing work you don't love, with people you don't enjoy, in environments and on schedules that burn you out and rob you of joy.

It's torture.

You've tried everything to find the right work but nothing seems to work out as advertised in the job description.

In my experience, when folks learn their Human Design, they sense that it can solve a lot of their career and job related problems. - And it can.

Projectors desperately want to find work that doesn't exhaust and stress them out.

Manifestors and Manifesting Generators want to create a productive team to get things done, and Generators and Manifesting Generators want job satisfaction and room to grow.

But guess what?

Knowing your Human Design doesn't mean you are equipped to use it to make sharp turns in your career or job. - There is a lot of experimentation ahead of you.

If you have been experimenting for awhile and are ready to tackle big life changes, you may not know how to use your Human Design to respond to the inevitable left-field obstacles that are bound to occur. - There is integregation and practice ahead of you.

For instance, you may not know how your Human Design Strategy and Authority works to overcome the fears and behaviors of your Splenic fear gates.

Your problematic relationships will need straightening out and your health may not be up to pivoting to a new job.

Good health, communiction, and relaationship skills are foundational to the quality of energy you have to take on new things... like a new job or career.

Using your Human Design Strategy to change your situation is not an overnight rush job. It takes time.

You may need help to see where you have successfully (but accidentally), used your Human Design in the past so you can harness your process and use it to guide you.

You may need to clarify your thinking. straigten out your circumstances, and improve your health before you can concentrate on using your Human Design to guide you.

You may need help creating experiments and circumstances so you can train your Human Design elements to side-step confusion and stuckness and instead, guide you to clear thinking.

And once you have clarity, you need to make sure you are healthy in mind, body, and soul so you take action toward decisions such as the right career or relationship.

In summary, you may need help, advice, and feedback from a trusted source to clarify what needs to happen to make sure you are ready for the immense power and magic of your Human Design.

When I learned that I was a Human Design Projector, I was recovering from yet another burnout episode. One day I was at the peak of my nursing career, and the next day, I couldn’t get out of bed. I was exhausted.

Thankfully, my Human Design taught me that I was not built to work a traditional hospital nursing schedule. And if I wanted to be successful at it, I had to do it in a very specific way.

I was desperate to have my Human Design Type and Strategy work for me. I wanted to wake up one morning and just be a Projector. - But that’s not how it works.

This article is about developing strategic habits and laying a foundation for using Human Design to make successful decisions, such as finding the right work or relationships for you.

It's about:

  • Trusting your intuition
  • Avoiding burnout
  • Knowing when and how to ask for help
  • Pro tips and everyday common sense

1. First things first...

Take stock of where you are right now. For example, ...

  • How urgent is your need for a new job?
  • Can you hang onto your current job a little longer?
  • Is your physical and mental health optimum?
  • Are you getting help from expert sources?
  • Do you know your purpose or life’s theme?
  • Are you having success using your Human Design to achieve your purpose?

Next, consider getting a mentor. Someone who's been there done that.

I am a 3/5 Projector, Cross of the Four Ways. This means:

  • I learn by ‘trial and error’ so I have a lot of "how to" and "how not to" information filed away, and...
  • My purpose and gifts are directing you to reach your maximum potential, especially when your feel pressure to do something different (pivot) but are stuck or unclear about your next step.

In short, I am here to guide and mentor others for a short time. I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, so you don’t have to.

If you're interested in how I work, click here.

2. Listen to your intuition, trust your body sensations, and get healthy

When you’re coming from a place of worry and exhaustion, the exact career opportunity you want is not coming for you. Your energy is not aligned with what you are asking for. You are not ready for it.

You need to build an all-around healthy foundation while you learn about your Human Design. By the time you are at your best, you will be ready to attract what you want. By then, you will know how to use your strategy to attract Projector and Generator-friendly work.

3. Don't give up your day job

If at all possible, keep your current job. Don’t complicate things. Nothing is more stressful than looking for a job when you don’t have one. Instead, think about possible change-options at your current job. Can you work fewer days? Can you work a lighter shift? Can you job share? Can you work from home?

Visualize where you are going.

Knowing your type and energy level gives your imagination a framework. Visualize, journal, paint, or draw the ideal job, schedule and structure for your type. Become conscious about the job, career, or business you want. – This might just reveal that you start right where you are and tweak your current job.

4. Ask for help

Are you afraid to ask for help?

Or, are you asking for help but not getting the help you intuitively know you need?

Maybe you are not asking the right people for help.

If you are finding it hard to get out of bed, focus, or function, please call your doctor and get a check up. - Get well first.

If you are on your feet and functioning, but are at your wits end with knowing what to do next, think about who can help you and call them.

Worrying about what someone will think of you if you ask for help willkeep you stuck forever.

There is no downside to asking for help because chances are everybody already knows you are not doing well. The poor quality of your work, mood, and health tell the story.

How do you ask for help?

Who should you ask for help?

Get clarity about who, when, and how to ask for help with the following suggestions:

Make a list of what you think you need to do to improve your situation.

  • Are you mentally overwhelmed? Do you need help clarifying your thoughts? - In the past, have you found that talking things out with a caring listener helps you see solutions and clarifies your next steps?
  • Are you having trouble knowing who to ask for help?— The clarifying thought here is "who can I trust?" I recommend you avoid talking to coworkers or your local coffee shop barista. They are great if you just want to vent, but may not be trustworthy or experienced guides..
  • Do you need time off work? Do you need a different work schedule? — (If you have the energy do your research and know your rights before talking to your boss or Human Resources. Find out if there are government assistance programs available to you. Know your rights and company policies.) - Then, ask your boss about things like flexing your schedule or a hybrid (office/home) arrangement.
  • Is anxiety, depression, panic, or other mood issues slowing you down? — If you've tried all the things but the situation is not getting better, call your Medical Doctor and get a general check-up. Research or ask for a referral to a counselor who has the expertise to guide you to health while sticking by you as you get stronger. - They might even have the willingness to guide you finding work that is right for you and your Human Design.


Don’t waste energy asking people who cannot help you, to help you!

Do this instead:

Now that you have your list, grab a couple highlighter pens and an ink pen or pencil:

  • Highlight what you can do for yourself
  • Choose a different color highlighter and highight where you want (or could use) the help of someone else
  • Now, break down "what you can do for yourself" into bite-size tasks, complete them at your own pace, and check them off as your go
  • Next., beside the "things you need help with", think about who is already in your support system? Do they have the experience, training, disposition, or skill to help me? Who might have a great referral for you? Whose advice and discretion can you rely on?


Are you the type of person who needs to say things out loud so you can clarify what you really think and want to do?

If so, factor this into your strategy for asking for help. Make sure you have access to someone who will just "hear you out" or be a sounding board.

If you don't have such a person, feel free to book time with me here.


Have you ever pulled yourself back from the edge of burnout only to find yourself on track to another burnout episode?

You’re frustrated, bitter, and exhausted again. — Most likely this means you don’t know how your Human Design operates and it’s time to get intimately familiar with your Type, Strategy, and Authority work together to avoid burnout.

Your design instructions (strategy) can start working for you right away, but to use it with finesse and accuracy you need practice and feedback.

Strategies like waiting to respond and waiting for invitations have special learning curves.

In my Human Design journey, I found myself back on the burnout wagon because I didn’t fully understand my type and strategy.

Sure, I chose jobs that allowed me to rest more, but I forgot about the recognition and invitation part of my strategy.

Handling the 'need to rest’ part of my Projector type first made sense because I was suffering from chronic fatigue and emotional exhaustion.

But, if I had known how to wait for an invitation, I would not have continued to choose jobs that stressed me out and brought back the same burnout symptoms.

It took me a long time to realize it wasn’t the job that was doing me in, it was how I got into the job. I was initiating and not waiting for the best Projector invitations.


Any Human Design can do any job or career as long as they know how to work the system -- The "Type, Strategy, and Authority system".

Finding the right career for Human Design Type depends on expertise in how your Strategy and Authority work together AND the purpose of your Human Design Type.

Basically, what are you here to do and how are you meant to do it. - That's it. That's all.

Do you know the answer to "what are you here to do and how are you meant to do it?"

Even when you know the answer, it takes time to blend it all together and become your Human Design.

It's taken me years to learn how to be a Projector Type and unlearn being a Generator Type.

And when I think I've finally got it, there is something new to be learned about how my Design works.

But get excited, because you will see amazing results right from the start and along the way.


Restore your health, keep your day job, get expert help, learn your design, and prepare to receive the right work or career for you.

If your mindset is not right and your body is breaking down, the Universe will not bring you what you want. That would be Universal malpractice. - You would not be ready, and it would be unkind and unfair to give you a job you aren't ready for.

Don't get into the comparison mind trap either.

Remember that everyone’s situation is different, and your strategy needs to be seen in the light of your unique issues and energy level.

So, two things …

  • If you are ready to get off the burnout hamster wheel and start choosing energizing work for your Human Design blueprint
  • If you are ready to learn to use your Human Design to guide you to your best career and the right job for you





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