Brigitte Knight Coaching

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How to Find the Right Job or Career With Human Design

It is not easy to find the right job or choose the best career immediately out of high school or college.

How can you know if a job or career is right for you until you’re doing it? Trial and error seems a poor way to decide something that major.

Wouldn’t it be better if there was a tool that could tell you which occupation would bring you the most satisfaction and happiness?

Notice I didn’t say, “Bring you the most money.”

Making money is easy when you’re willing to do anything to get it.

What’s not easy is choosing work that makes you money and makes your soul sing. Work that makes life worth living.

So we are looking for a tool that takes the guesswork out of the job search. An application that matches our personality, passions, talents, and energy with the right job and career. 

Something accurate, easy and fun to use that saves us time and hassle.

Wouldn't it be great if we had this tool from birth so we could prepare for the right career?

Human Design is that tool. And you have had it since birth.

It is the job and career resource that you’ve never heard of. 

Or, you’ve heard of it but don't know what it is, or how to use it to find the right job or career.


Human Design is a personality assessment tool created when you plug in your birth information.

It is the woo-woo version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

To get started, you will need your Human Design Chart. Once you have it, find the labels Type, Strategy, and Authority. Fyi, there are five Human Design Types and each one has its own set of instructions. There are also several Authorities.

Next, go here and here to learn more about your Type and its Strategy for success.  

Learn more from the internet, apps, books, and home-study courses. Along the way, you will get the keys to unlock who you are at your core as well as what you need to know to make accurate decisions in your life.

Your Human Design deeply informs you about yourself.


You can’t use Human effectively in your life, job, or business until you have an unshakable knowledge of the basics of your Human Design.

Test your knowledge.

Watch this quick HD Type video

Do you know Which part of human Design cannot be taught?

Answer: How to use your Human Design.

To use it to find the right job and career, you need to practice, experiment, observe the results, reflect on what you’ve learned, and do it again.

This is a solo project that takes time. No one can do this part for you.


can you speed up the process?

If you are new to Human Design, your Type’s strategy may be to wait to respond or wait to be invited into what is right for you. Waiting sounds crazy, right? Tick, tock people!

One way to speed things up is to get curious about your opportunities to “learn by doing” and start practicing.

Take a moment to consider your environment and the relationships you have.

Do they validate your Human Design in any way? Can you use your HD knowledge to change, or improve them?

Hire An Expert

You can jumpstart your Human Design practice when you book a call with a professional Reader or Coach.

This is someone that has been studying and living their Design for a very long time. They know how to take you beyond your Chart and make it come alive. They help you apply your knowledge to your lived experience.

If you can find a Human Design expert that has a counseling, therapy, or coaching background, even better.

Whenever I recommend hiring and paying an expert, people often hesitate. The most common reasons are:

  1. They’ve already had at least one Human Design reading and still don’t know what to do with the information. They are skeptical.

  2. They don’t have the money to invest.

  3. They are not convinced of its immediate and long-term value.

  4. They have to get permission from someone else to spend the money.

  5. They are shocked that there is foundational work to be done.

    Yes! Unlearning your not-self and learning your real-self takes time, your attention, energy, um, work. That is never going to change.

    • But what if you were convinced that your Human Design would change every aspect of your life for the better? Starting now til the end of your life. And each year would get easier because you would be in control of your life and relationships?

    • What is that worth to you?

    • Are you worth it?

    • What are you willing to (temporarily) give up to do this important thing for yourself?

If you are held back by immobilizing limiting beliefs and circumstances, I recommend you seek help beyond Human Design because no doubt your beliefs and behaviors are holding you back in other areas of your life.

If you have been disappointed by Human Design readings in the past, I recommend you interview the next Reader or coach well.

Alternatively, DIY it. Study the Human Design System for yourself. Talk about it, practice it, and reflect on what' you’ve learned.

DIY: Do It Yourself

If you choose to MacGyver your Human Design, you will need Human Design books, reports from your readings, recordings, trusted blogs, podcasts, etc.

As you study, tap into your ability to imagine, reflect, and reframe information until it makes sense to you.

First, if you are a Generator or Manifesting-Generator type, you need to focus heavily on your Sacral response and learn ​how to avoid frustration​ during the job search process.

If you are a Projector or Reflector type, you need to ​memorize the 4 parts of your strategy​ and tick them off as you go. You will also need to find your sounding board people.

Second, everyone needs to clearly and accurately define their Human Design.

For example, are you a Manifestor type? Can you articulate your type and strategy in this way:

​I am a Manifestor​. I am designed to process my ideas and decisions internally. I initiate myself and others to take action that feels good to them.

My strategy is to inform, be informed, and then take action.

I do not have sustainable, natural energy to work in traditional work models. I prefer leadership roles and independence over collaboration and teamwork. When I understand my impact on others and respect and inform them, my life's theme is peace.

At the very least, your HD definition will focus your mind on your decision making priorities.

Third, ask yourself:

  • Do I understand the definition of my Human Design?

  • Can I translate it into plain language?

  • Can I apply it in the real world?

  • Can I use it to research and apply for work?

  • What type of job matches my HD description?

If you want to apply your Human Design to your important decisions, these are the questions you need to think about.

For example, what if you are a Generator type? You might want to consider whether you need a new job or career. Or, do you need to make adjustments right where you are?

As a Generator, you would use your Sacral response system for this. You need to be familiar with your Sacral voice, vibration, or experience.

If you are a Generator, you have a built-in way to focus on the best opportunities for you. Do you know how to use it?

  • Does your Sacral direct you to quit your job or have a talk with your boss about other growth opportunities?

  • Does your body vibrate one way or the other when you imagine working from home or in an office?

How can you know for sure?

If you are not familiar with how your Sacral response works, you may need to build up your knowledge and experience with it so you can execute a successful Generator job and career search.

If you are a Generator looking for the ideal job or career, become an expert with your Type’s strategy or instructions. It’s literally all you need.


As noted above, knowing the basics of your Design inside out, backward, and forward is the foundation for making accurate and important decisions.

The basics of Human Design are your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Energy.

I’m going to be straightforward and tell you what I know about “Human Design Basics.”

When I mention the three Human Design basics, people roll your eyes, blow me off and tell me they already know all about them. Could I please move on and tell them something different.

You might be thinking the same thing and want to stop reading and find a second opinion that matches your outcome.

You may believe the answer is to learn more and buy another book or another online course.

You imagine that “deeply knowing yourself” involves knowing all the things listed on their Human Design chart. Your profile, incarnation cross, planets, gates, channels, environment, perspective, arrows, etc 

These are important things to know as they add depth to your Human Design. But, you don’t need to know them to use your Human Design to make important decisions.

Also, if you need a job yesterday, you don’t have time to focus on these advanced aspects of your Design.

The advanced features of your Design don’t teach you how to use your Human Design.

Practice, experiments, trial and error, commitment, and time spent with your basic information are the key. That is where the depth of information you need to find your ideal job or career comes from.

To be clear, you don’t have to choose between practice or more Human Design knowledge. You can do both.

But if you’re objective is to improve or affect change in an area of your life with Human Design, your time is better spent practicing what you already know. The basics.

Once you have built up a repertoire of success using your Human Design basics, you will have a process you can trust to help you in any situation in your life. Big or small.

Your Human Design is literally who you are.

Your Human Design practice reacquaints you with how you naturally do things.

You will gain such deep insight into yourself that you will be overqualified to use traditional career compatibility tests and job search tools.



Finding the right job or career is not easy.

Traditional job and career search tools can help you only so far. Then it is trial and error and hope for the best.

Human Design gives you deep insight into yourself. It informs you about what you are here to do and how you do it best.

When you use the instructions for your Human Design, you grow to trust yourself. You enter your zone of genius and your choices and decisions become clear.

When you combine Human Design and traditional career and job search tools, you will be prepared to make accurate job and career choices. 

Hiring a Human Design coach helps you apply your Design knowledge faster. Be sure to hire someone who has been practicing their Human Design for a long time. What does this mean?

  • Being a good Human Design coach means they have already done the work and proven it to themselves. They have spent time relating to the other Human Design types and have a natural sense of how to inspire, teach, and guide you. They have a passion for the work and want nothing more than to help you improve your life.

  • If you are not in a rush to find a job or choose a career, you can take the time to interview a few Human Design specialists. Use your intuition to assess whether they will give you the attention and practical help you need.

Doing it for yourself by yourself is another option.

It’s the DIY way.

Learn how to use your Type, Strategy, and Authority in different environments, situations, and relationships.

This will train you to use your Human Design basics to make big decisions like choosing the job or career that is right for your Human Design type.

To guide your DIY job and career search with Human Design, I’ve created a tool to help you. 

This step-by-step course will help you add a powerful tool to your job search.

When you complete it, you won’t have to rely so heavily on generic career tests, guesswork, or other people’s opinions.

Its exercises strengthen your ability to judge what is right for you with accuracy.

Imagine starting your next job or career knowing you’ve got it right this time or you’re a heck of a lot closer than you were last time.

It’s an amazing feeling of control over your life. It’s fulfilling when you job or career is aligned with your true self.

Brigitte Knight is a Human Design educator and mentor as well as a Human Design informed counselor. She loves teaching people to use their Designs to improve their relationships.

She helps ex-Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others who have left high mind control environments to manage their anxiety, guilt, loneliness, and depression.

Her life’s experience as a Registered Nurse, therapist, ex-Jehovah’s Witness, and Human Design practitioner since 2006 can help you start living your best life.

Book a free call with Brigitte today