How to Find the Right Career Using Human Design

Human Design is your best chance of landing a career and job that is right for you.

There. I said it.

And, if you don't get it exactly right the first time, Human Design will get you super close to finding work that matches your personality, natural skills, and pace. - It's uphill from there.

If you don't use Human Design, what is the alternative?

Guess work? Hoping for the best?

Trial and error a million times over hoping you will get it right next time?

I mean,... how do you know if a job or career is right for you until you’re actually doing it day in and day out?

And how will you feel when you realize you've been stuck in a soul crushing job for years?

Frustrated. Resentful. Depressed. Hopeless. Angry. Tired, exhausted, bitter, and burned out. - You may be feeling these things right now.

Using guess work and hoping for the best when you pick your career is so 30-years ago.

So is following in Dad or Mom's footsteps because you're expected to.

Nobody has time for trial and error and living other people's dreams when it comes to choosing how you'll spend one of the biggest chunks of your natural life.

Do you?

Who wants to be in a miserable career for 40-years of their life?

What if you had a tool that Human Design could help you find a career, job, or business that:

  • Pays you well
  • Keeps you excited to go to work
  • Doesn't threaten your health
  • Makes a difference in the world
  • And, gives your life meaning

The tools you are looking for are your Human Design Strategy, Authority, and Sacral Energy Potential.

You can use these tools to match your personality, passions, talents, and energy to the right job and career.

When used with skill, they are scary accurate.

They will save you time and frustration.

And you've had these tools in your back pocket since birth.

Just like you know how to walk and breathe, you already know how to use them.

But just like those old-timey baby doctors used to spank a baby's bottem to get it to take its first breath, you may need help getting your Human Design to work for you.

If you have tried to use Human Design to find your best career, you may have run into these road blocks:

  • It's hard to identify, compare, contrast, and match job requirements with the work environment, natural talent, energy level, and people contact that's healthy for your Human Design personality.
  • You don't know how to use your Human Design Strategy to get in front of the the right people and opportunities.
  • And, you don't know how to assess whether you have the Sacral Energy Potential to match the demands of your desired job or career.


Human Design blogs, videos, books, courses, and even what Ra Uru Hu says, can only take you so far.

They are generic. - They can't be anything but generic.

They are not about your personal circumstances and life experience.

They are breadcrumbs or clues which guide you to your authentic self.

You have to do the work.


Not everything you read for free on the internet is accurate.

It may be the interpretation of the author based on their lived experience, observations, and their Human Design... not yours..

For example, I recently read online that if you have a Line 5 Profile, strangers can help you network. Agreed... but this next bit of advice will not work for every Human Design Type. The advice was... "So don't be afraid to send out those cold emails."

As a long practicing Projector (since 2006), I can tell you that sending cold emails is a form of manipulating recognition and invitations. If it attracts anyone at all, it will be the wrong invitations from the wrong people, and it will have zero organic recognition. You are asking for a world of hurt.

How do I know this? -- Trial, error, pain, observation, reflection, and time. It doesn't have to be this way for you.

As hard as you search, you will never find information specific to you and how you express and experience your Human Design. - It doesn't exist!

This truth makes it hard to know:

  • Where you are already crushing your Human Design Strategy and Authority, so you can
  • Capture what it looks and feels like, and
  • Use it to gauge and guide all of your important decisions.

The part of Human Design that cannot be taught is how to apply it to your big decisions, relationships, and daily life!

You can get feedback on how you're doing and avoid the pain and wasted time of trial and error, but no one can do the work for you.

To find the right job or career with Human Design, begin by using it to get to know yourself inside and out.

Not the old self you are leaving behind, but the new and improved self you are becoming by applying your Human Design.

Not the highly conditioned self you've known all your life that's been letting you down.

Get to know the real you that you barely know if you are new to Human Design.

The real you that will take time for you to get to know AND use it to make accurate decisions like the best career or work for you spend your life doing.

Until you have a good grip on your new Human Design personality, only then can you make big, accurate decisions about your ideal job or life's work.

When your learn about your Human Design, your awareness of the possibilities available to you expands. - It's like a rebirth.

As that transformation evolves, you become more aware of what's right for you and what is not. - It's called conscious living.

Suddenly, decisions that are correct for you become easier and quicker to make.

Suddenly, you don't need anyone to help you choose the right career, job, or business structure.

Anything you choose will be in perfect alignment (and feel pretty darn good) with your Human Design personality.

Human Design knowledge is powerful.

But knowledge without action (application) is dead. - Useless.

It's powerful influence in your life depends on how good you are at consciously using it in your daily life.

You'll need to:

  • Practice,
  • Experiment,
  • Observe the results,
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned,
  • and, do it again.

Human Design's usefulness comes alive with your willingness to do the hard work of applying what you learn in real life.

If you're trying to learn Human Design on your own, it's hard to put the pieces together and make them flow with ease.

Get my help to jumpstart your personal HD process.

Learn where you are already using your Human Design Strategy and Authority, so you can follow your own breadcrumbs and gradually transform into BEING your Human Design.

Find out how to work with me when you click here.

There are only two ways to transform and become your natural Human Design personality:

  • DIY: Take a course, read books, consume free internet content, and apply what you learn on your own. -- It's the Do-It-Yourself package. It's the long way, but if you're committed to the process, it can be done.
  • Done-with-you: Do all the above and get a trusted coach to help you:
  • Separate fact from fiction, and
  • Quickly apply your knowledge to your real life problems and decisions because you are getting feedback in real time.

Done-with-you is the fast-track to understanding and easily becoming your Human Design personality.

Let's take a closer look at your options:

Option 1: Do It Yourself

If you choose to MacGyver your Human Design, you will need Human Design books, reports from your readings, recordings, trusted blogs, podcasts, etc.

You will need the discipline to tie it all together yourself and be willing to experiment and learn things the hard way, trial and error.

That's how I did it. - And it works!

For example:

I am entering the second decade of Human Design trial and error learning, and believe it or not, just a few days ago, a new and deeper understanding of my Incarnation Cross, The Four Ways, dropped into my awareness.

My purpose suddenly became clearer.

With this new information, I have adjusted my relationship with myself, my career, and how I am of service to my clients.

I feel so fresh and new!

Option 2: Hire An Expert

Get help identifying how you already use your HD Strategy.

Learn what it looks and feels like.

Identify and examine previous successes you've had using your Design's characteristics and strategy radar.

Jumpstart your Human Design practice with someone who's been studying and living their Design for a very long time.

Human Design experts may or may not have certificates, but they can take you beyond your Human Design Chart and make the information come alive in practical and relateable ways.

They help you focus on the important stuff that will help you get quicker, tangible results.

If you can find a Human Design expert that has a counseling, therapy, or coaching background, even better.

Here are a few reasons people hesitate to hire an expert:

  • They’ve had a bad experience and don't want to get burned again.
  • They don’t have the money to invest or they need to get permission to spend it.
  • They are not ready to either look at themselves deeply, or do the work required when working with an expert.

If you don't want to have a bad experience, waste money, or get scammed, I recommend:

  • Researching, consulting, and possibly paying for one session before you commit to a longterm coaching or consulting relationship. -- Within this blog and at my Youtube Channel, you will find help to interview Human Design specialists, readers, coaches, etc.

I used my Human Design to create the ideal career for my personality.

Over the years, I've been asked how I did it.

So to avoid repeating myself, I've created a mini-course called: 5 Steps to Career Bliss with Human Design.

This course takes you beyond your generic Human Design because it helps you ask questions that tease out your unique needs (must haves) to be happy in your work.

I'm not a career coach, but this is how I've taught my clients to apply their Human Design to their job and career decisions.

This is how I've used my basic Human Design to make my BEST "trial and error" career decisions so that with each iteration, I got closer and closer to the tailor made career I now have.

This process works for Projectors, Reflectors, Manifestors, Generators, and Manifesting Generators.

Imagine starting your next job or career knowing you’ve got it right this time or you’re a heck of a lot closer than you were last time.

It’s an amazing feeling of control over your life. - It’s thrilling when you job or career is aligned with your true self.

It's your choice whether you get coached on how to use your Human Design to find the right career or not.

I recommend you get help because it's the one thing I wish was available to me in 2006, when I learned Human Design.

Either way, grab my tried & proven 5-step process and add Human Design to your job search tool kit.





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