Discover Your Life's Purpose Using the Best Human Design Books


Human Design is an unbelievably accurate profiling system that unlocks your individuality and potential. It’s based on the date, time, and location of your birth. It’s a mash-up of ancient energy guidance systems, and it goes way beyond traditional astrology,

Using your birth information, Human Design software generates a detailed avatar of your strengths, challenges, communication style, characteristics, and ideal collaborators.

Below are the Human Design books that I love.

I have recommended many of them for years.

Two of the authors I know well. For example, I've known and learned from Karen Curry Parker since 2006.

Others, like Aypril Porter, Amber Clements, and Maggie Sale Ostara are cyber acquaintances from the Human Design community whom I trust and adore.

These books will help you:

• Uncover your distinct personality type

• Learn your decision-making style and how it can lead to tailor-made opportunities

• Understand your social interactions and workplace dynamics

• Explore whether you're meant to guide or respond

• Gain insights into your emotional and mental responses to challenges

The power of Human Design is changing lives worldwide.

You will be amazed at how accurate and relevant it is to your life.

Don’t know your Human Design personality type? Get a free Human Design Chart here.

As you refer to these books, the question to ask yourself is:

Am I truly living in alignment with my Human Design?

Dive into these recommended books and find out!


Understanding Human Design

Author: Karen Curry Parker

Paperback or Kindle or Audiobook

This book simplifies the intricate Human Design chart, making it accessible and engaging. It’s my quick reference go-to. I recommend it to beginners and experts.

Explore the depths of traditional Human Design with ease while gaining insights into how each element and symbol relates to your unique personality traits. Your guide, Karen Curry Parker, is an experienced expert.

Introduction to Quantum Human Design, 3rd Ed.

Author: Karen Curry Parker

Paperback or Kindle

Karen Curry Parker has elevated the Human Design system and made it accessible with empowering language. Use this book like a roadmap to live authentically, raise your vibrational frequency, and increase your happiness.

Human Design: Discover the Person You were Born to Be

Author: Chetan Parkeyn

Paperback or Kindle or Audiobook

This is a beautifully written approach to the foundations of Human Design personalities. It offers a lovely balance of Human Design terminology with relatable examples and metaphors. I refer to it often when I need inspiration to deliver Human Design information to adults.

The Book of Destinies

Author: Chetan Parkyn

Paperback or Kindle or Audiobook

I don’t know Chetan Parkyn personally, but I enjoy his conversational style. In this book, he beautifully describes the Incarnation Crosses (IC) of Human Design. Your IC describes your purpose and life’s theme. You express it in all that you do. So why not shine it bright by using Human Design to clarify the best way to do it?

The encyclopedia of quantum human design

Author: Karen Curry Parker

Paperback or Kindle

This is a powerful book and my favorite reference for understanding Incarnation Crosses (IC). Your IC is is your unique leadership style. It’s your peak performance ingredient.

With over 22 years of experience, Karen Curry Parker translates Human Design into practical and therapeutic coaching language for individual, client, or corporate use.

The human design reflector

Book or Kindle

Author: Amber Clements

The Human Design Reflector type is rare. They have a special role as wise and objective observers of the world. When they use their gifts, they function like human barometers, reflecting their community's health and potential. Inside this book you will find practical guidance for Reflectors, their parents, and friends to help them lead fulfilling lives as vessels of love, wisdom, and wonderment.

Becoming an Empowered Projector

Author: Evelyn Levenson

Paperback or Kindle or Audiobook

Like me, Evelyn is Projector. Her book is a comprehensive and transformative guide for Projector Types in Human Design. It helps Projectors understand our unique role, get giddy and excited about our cosmic purpose, manage our precious energy, and turn our challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Every Projector who’s read it raves about it.

If you are a parent, coworker, or partner to a Projector and you love and value them, grab this book today!

Parenting the child you love

Paperback or Kindle

Author: Aypril Porter

My heart warms when I think about this transformative book. it uses Human Design to help you accurately understand, communicate, and connect with your child. When that happens you create a family that is buzzing with love and harmony.

  • Sidebar: Your child can’t tell you who they are and what they need. They are counting on you to know and do your best for them. Give yourself a fighting chance to get it right.

Get the inside track to meet their needs accurately with the insights and practical guidance from this groundbreaking book.

The Definitive Book of Human Design

Paperback or Kindle

Author: Lynda Bunnell & Ra Uru Hu

Here is another go-to book for me. This comprehensive volume is an essential resource and reference for Human Design beginners, intermediates, and experts.

*New Addition*

Incarnation Cross: A Guidebook of Purpose Archetypes From Human Design and the Gene Keys

Author: Brynja Magnusson

Paperback or Kindle

The Incarnation Cross is said to be the job description of one’s life. The Incarnation Cross is the life theme, purpose, or archetype we are stamped with at birth. Till now, a comprehensive description of Human Design and Gene Keys Incarnation Cross themes has been difficult to come by.

Maggie Sale Ostara

Feminine Sovereignty: 8 Pillars for Regenerating Ourselves and Our World

Author: Maggie Sale Ostara PhD (Author), Karen Curry Parker (Foreword)

Paperback or Kindle

A recovering academic, Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD teaches high-achieving women how to develop their Feminine Sovereignty, to activate their Human Design super powers, and to unleash themselves from society’s prescription of success in favor of their own.

Brigitte Knight is a Human Design Behavioral Change Coach and a Human Design informed therapist. She loves teaching people to use their HD Design to find the right career, improve their relationships, and stop burning out.

She helps ex-Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others who struggle with self-limiting beliefs manage their anxiety, guilt, loneliness, and depression.

Her life’s experience as a Registered Nurse, therapist, ex-Jehovah’s Witness, and Human Design practitioner since 2006 can help you start living your best life.

Book a free call with Brigitte today 

Brigitte Knight