If you are a Human Design Generator, Manifesting Generator, or Projector type, you know that your Strategy for success is to “wait” for the right invitations and opportunities.
What does Human Design "waiting" mean?
It means waiting for opportunities to flow organically to you. them to organically flow to you.
It DOES NOT mean manipulating people into inviting you or initiating like a Manifestor
"That doesn't work for me. I don't want to wait."
Even if they don't say it out loud, Generators and Projectors often have big emotions when they first learn that it's best for them to follow their Strategy to the letter.
It's a destabilizing thought.
First, they feel relief. "Phew. I can stop hustling."
But just as quickly, they become puzzled, frustrated, and angry. - Yup. True story.
Their mind can’t take it in. It’s the polar opposite of what they've been taught to do.
How can you get on in your career, business, relationships, or life if you’re waiting for something to happen?
Waiting is lazy. It’s weak. It’s dumb.
People who don’t seize the day get run over and left behind.
This is a common and valid reaction in our modern go-go-go world. Some people give up and blow the whole thing off. Human Design is not for them.
But here's the rub... once you’ve seen your Human Design, you can’t unsee it. Let that sink in.
As with all things Human Design, it usually comes back around at the right time for you.
How To Get Past the Shock And Frustration Stage of Human Design Waiting
First, sink into acceptance. - Your Strategy is not going to change.
In fact, allow yourself to go through all the Stages of Grief. Your experience may be empowering to someone else some day.
Second, get answers to your questions..
Have you ever wondered:
Third, get ready. if you are a Projector, actively and strategically prepare to receive your invitations.
If you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator, be on the lookout for things to respond to in your outer world.
What do you desire?
If you had a magic wand what would you like your life to look like?
Find a way to make the vision come alive for you. - Paint it. Write about it. Visualize it.
Start doing whatever prep work you need to do so you create energy around your vision.
Move in circles and networks that are doing what you do or are at least adjacent to it. In person or on social media.
Get seen. Get noticed. Let folks know that you exist. Allow your energy to draw the right people and opportunities toward you.
If you stuggle to create this vision or don't know what your next step is, consider hiring me for 30-minutes or month so we can clarify what waiting looks like in your life.
If you've read to this point, you no doubt realize you have a choice to make.
To get the best from your forever Human Design blueprint, you can learn to "wait" the:
The hard way is to anxiously manipulate invitations or act like a Manifestor and initiate things. Take it from me, this is a bad idea. Don’t do this.
You'll only end up in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing. You'll wear yourself out trying to make it work.
Plus, you'll find yourself living in the "Not-self" theme of your Human Design: anger, frustration, bitterness, and disappointment.
Instead, try the easy way.
Keep busy doing things you love. - Thoughtfully and strategically do things that bring you closer to your vision.
Choose people, places, situations, and things that are in-line with your hopes, dreams, and purpose.
Energetically you will attract the invitations and opportunities that are meant for you.
There is an art to waiting the Human Design way
At first it's frustrating. It's easy to chuck your Human Design chart in a drawer and forget about it. - Who needs the hassle.
And then, over time, it becomes the proverbial "learning to ride a bicycle."
It gets easier to wait. You can't imagine what the heck you were doing before. - It feels really good.
You're so busy preparing that you don't notice the wait.
And finally, here's a little known fact about Human Design waiting...
... I guarantee that you have already done it successfully many times without realizing it.
It's my pleasure to point out where you've already had success with waiting during a coaching session. - Sound good? Click here for your options.
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