1. What is Human Design?
Human Design is a tool for self-discovery, self-growth, and self-help.
In the Human Design System you can find elements of Astrology, the Chakra System, the Kabbalah, I'ching, and Quantum Physics.
It was introduced by Robert Allan Krakower, better known by his chosen name, Ra Uru Hu.
It is a combination of the ancient elements named above, and recognizable archetypes (characters, roles).
They are recognizable because they are part of our collective consciousness.
No matter your gender, culture, race, or socioeconomic status, you will immediately recognize yourself in one of them.
Unfortunately, the understanding and practice of these roles have NOT kept up with changes in our modern, industrial, and technical world.
We no longer share a common understanding of the roles we play in society.
The result is...
... Everyone feels like they are here for a specific purpose, but they don’t know what it is or how to get it done.
The Human Design System has a fix for that!
The Human Design System is a window into how you operate best in the world.
It's your true way of operating... before your parents, teachers, etc. got their hands on you.
It shines a light on how you're most comfortable interacting with the world.
By the way, you already know how to be and do your Human Design!
But, through no fault of your own, you may have forgotten.
The result...
... You now interact with yourself and the world in a fundementally foreign way.
A way that doesn't feel natural and doesn't get you the results you plan and hope for. - Trying to make the right decisions for your life becomes hit or miss.
But "I was told to take these steps and hit these milestones and I'd be okay."
So you keep at it and hope for the best each time.
Your Human Design instructions bring you back to your True North. - Your most natural and comfortable way of being.
It helps you move like butter through a world that isn't set up to accommodate everyone.
If you're like me... You've tried all the things and you're exhausted.
You're frustrated, burnt out, think you're "failing at life," and running out of time.
That's exactly how I felt when I discovered Human Design back in 2006.
People are excited about Human Design because it's provided answers to seemingly impossible questions like these:
Full transparency... I use Human Design as the foundation for my therapy and life coaching practice because it's practical. It gets to the heart of a problem quickly and can cut down on the time you might otherwise spend in therapy.
In 2006, I started using Human Design in my own life to stop burning out from working the wrong jobs and hanging out in the wrong relationships. I used it to make accurate decisions about my life's direction based on my Human Design's basic purpose. -- Enter the quiet, peaceful, and creative life I have now!
A few of my clients have used Human Design to...
So far, I haven't found any aspect of life that Human Design can't improve.
If you know a bit about Human Design but aren't sure how to use it, I'm happy to answer your questions. Let's talk.
Everything in Human Design begins with your Human Design Chart.
Do you have a Human Design chart?
Create and download a simple one when you get Human Design Starter Kit!
You will be asked to input the following information:
1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Time of Birth
4. City of Birth
5. Country of Birth
Once you create a chart, you will see a beautiful diagram similar to the one shown here!
The colorful diagram gives us your personality type and its instructions. - It's like a map back to the real you!
Look closer and you may recognize elements from Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System, and Quantum Physics.
Everything on it represents the role and character you play in the world, as well as the unique flavor you add to everything you do.
Your chart illuminates specific talents and gifts you know about and are already using successfully.
Or, you're aware of them but don't use or value them enough. You may even hide them for one reason or another.
Note well: Everything on your chart is valuable in the right situation and to the right person at the right time.
Each element operates on a spectrum and can be expressed in a million different ways. - Ways that are helpful to you and others, or not. - How you express your Human Design is up to you.
It's easy when you know how.
Most people don't know how because we have been conditioned or influenced away from our design.
It takes time and thoughtful effort to re-learn or dust off who we were before outside influence.
Educate yourself. Build a solid foundation based on Ra Uru Hu's original text as much as possible.
In the beginning, concentrate on the purpose of your Type and practice your Strategy and Authority as often as you can.
When you get your Human Design Chart, you will see a heading called “Type.”
You will be one of the five traditional Human Design types:
A Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector
Note well: You will hear references to FOUR Human Design Types. Be aware that that Generators and Manifesting Generators are often included under the one type category called "Generators."
Also, if you have a chart based on the Quantum Human Design (QHD) language developed by my Human Design teacher Karen Curry Parker, you may find your type listed as one of the following:
The Initiator, Alchemist, Time Bender, Orchestrator, and Calibrator (TM)
Knowing your Human Design Type is foundational knowledge. - Spending time understanding it and using it in your daily life... Well, that's where the magic happens. Learn how that works when you check out the quick and easy resources available here!
5. What is a Human Design Specialist or Reader?
Human Design Specialists are trained experts who interpret your chart and help you apply the information to your life.
They have spent years practicing their own Human Design.
They assess how much you know about Human Design, speak plainly, and provide actionable information.
These days, a lot of Human Design coaches are self-taught and/or haven't used their own Design information for very long.
So it's up to you, dear reader, to "kick the tires" as it were.
Trust your intuition. And, at the very least, know what you are looking for.
Here are the types of Human Design readings I am aware of:
You can definitely find all three options in one experienced Human Design specialist, and some excel in one more than the others. - Be a savvy consumer and ask a lot of questions.
Then, trust your intuition. - Have a sense of what type of reading you want so you can identify it when you hear it.
You should leave with tips about how to use your Type and Strategy in all areas of your daily life. - From how you think about yourself, how you make decisions, and how you interract with others.
Ideally find a guide who has used their Human Design in challenging life circumstances. Like navigating difficult relationships, raising children, overcoming people-pleaseing, self-doubt, anger, co-dependency, life transitions, etc.
Inquire if they have experience with human behavior at your life stage. Do they have experience patiently guiding or managing others. I say this because not all Human Design Types are designed to guide others.
It's not personal. It's a fact. -- It's not their natural gift or desire. They may be better at teaching the Human Design System or researching novel uses for it rather than guiding someone long-term to apply it to daily life.
Be sure to ask about this when you interview Human Design readers, coaches, and specialists.
6. What to expect in your Human Design Reading?
Some people feel validated and releaved. Others cry, feel sad, and begin to grieve the life they might have had. - Some feel hopeful, confident, and excited because maybe for the first time they have an absolute sense of who they are.
No matter what, it's an amazing experience and your reaction depends on your life experience and personality.
7. I'm a Christian. Do I need to worry that I'm joining a cult?
From personal experience, I know where you're coming from. - I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness. I've since left that faith but many of the fearful beliefs about astrology, yoga, the occult, other religions, and cults still linger.
Since 2006, I've been practicing Human Design, meditation, and stream of consciousness writing to name a few things. - Nothing bad has happened to me. Instead, they've helped me become less tense, fearful, and open minded.
Mind you, I'm still vigilent about what I get involved in. - My mottoe is if in doubt, leave it out!
In my opinion, you have nothing to fear from Human Design.
Here are the reasons I moved forward with Human Design...
By the time I learned about it, I was a burned-out mess. - Fears and doubts went out the window because I was too sick to care. Plus, it had the ring of truth.
I acted as if my life depended on it. And in a lot of ways it did. -- I needed help and it showed up as the Human Design System.
It gave me a simple, basic explanation of what I was designed to do and the simple strategy to get it done. It all feel seemlessly into place the minute I heard it because it was as if I already knew these things intuitively. - I've never looked back.
About me...
My name is Brigitte. - I've been an RN, Therapist, and general Life Coach for years.
As I moved from career to career, I fell into "hustle culure."
Trying to keep up the pace AND create a new identity seperate from Jehovah's Witnesses proved to be too much.
I couldn't make it work and eventually became so ill I couldn't work for awhile.
Learning my Human Design put the breaks on that mess!
I learned that I am a Projector personality type... Specifically designed to guide others and to rest more than I work. I'm not built to hustle all the time. Game changer!
Now, I simply guide. I don't push myself or anyone else. - I'm at peace within myself.
I teach, coach, and speak about applying Human Design to daily life, career, business, relationships, and mental and emotional health.
As a Life Coach with a dual clinical background, I find it natural and fun to guide with a tool like Human Design.
In my opinion... it lightens, improves, or fixes most anything you struggle with. No matter if it's a new or longterm problem.
It has a way of cutting through head trash, the "buts" and the "shoulds," and opens a path to clear thinking and action taking.
My favorite thing about Human Design is how it keeps you out of trouble in the FIRST PLACE. - I love that part!
If your question was not answered above, let me know. I may have a resource for you.
If you're someone who's thrown up your hands in frustration because you've run out of ways to solve your problems... book a Human Design coaching session and let's talk it out.
A face to face call is the best way to get a tailor-made solution along with the relief and peace you've been looking for.
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