This copy is also in the HDIA FUNNEL - Not sure where to put it yet



When you know how to use your Human Design, it will forever transform your relationships, health, and how you earn money.

In just 6-months, Human Design Mastery will teach you your HD process and provide a live human guide to give you the direction, feedback, and accountability you’ve been looking for.

This is for you if:

  • You feel the power and potential of HD but don’t know how to use or apply it to your specific issue
  • You have no more time or money to waste on freebies and DIY courses
  • You’re frustrated, stuck, burned out, and at your wits end with how your life is going
  • You need help now

You believe that using HD can help you:

  • Make accurate life decisions with less guess-work
  • Have confidence in the life choices you make
  • Choose better people and environments to live and work in
  • Make money joyfully and easily
  • Improve all areas of your life

You believe that using HD can help you:

  • 6-months of LIVE Group Coaching and Hot-seat Calls (biweekly)
  • “Ask Brigitte” Q & A Tutorials (biweekly)
  • Unlimited 30-minute Zoom Calls
  • A growing Education and Resource Library
  • Will include Training videos and workbooks so your next step is always clear
  • A dedicated Facebook community for think-tank problem solving and experience sharing
  • Mindset tips & tricks to keep you moving toward your goals

All to MASTER one thing…

Your Human Design decision making process so you can stop burnout and frustration and create an energized and joy-filled life!

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Hi, I’m Brigitte,

After 17 years of practicing Human Design Design, 25 years as a Registered Nurse, and 10,000 session hours as a therapist and Human Design Coach, I can teach you how to use Human Design to make powerful shifts in your life.

I observed that many people view HD as a concept with potential.

They sense its awe-inspiring power BUT don't know what to do with it. So, their Human Design chart ends up in a drawer.

I hate when that happens.

If only they had access to someone trained to show them how to use it to change their outlook, validate their beliefs, stand in their power, and live a life fulfilling their purpose and not someone else’s.

When I look back on how bumpy my Human Design journey was, I honestly don’t know how I made it. It’s a long story for another time, but here’s the short version:

When I learned about my Human Design, I had burned out badly from the pace and demands of my job. I was also recovering from and beginning a very lonely journey of isolation from family and so-called friends for daring to break free from a life of limiting beliefs. I was chronically fatigued and very ill.

Human Design turned up at the right time.

But not knowing how to use it and not having a guide, saw me repeat many of the same decisions and patterns that made me ill in the first place. — I definitely would have liked to call a friend.

So I’ve developed some systems and beliefs about the Human Design process and I share them in Human Design Mastery.

“A guided Human Design coaching experience is the #1 way to unleash the power of your Human Design. No need to waste time and money DIYing or MacGyvering it. ”

— Brigitte Knight


  • Stuck in decision paralysis and constantly second-guessing yourself
  • Frustrated at a soul-sucking job
  • Perpetually burning out with no end in sight
  • Disconnected from who you are and what you’re here to do
  • Worried you won’t find your life’s purpose in time
  • Enduring draining relationships and workplace misunderstandings
  • Searching for self-acceptance, emotional stillness, and peace

You will walk away from HUMAN DESIGN MASTERY with:

  • The ability to identify your intuition, listen to it, and trust your choices
  • Unshakable belief and clarity about who you are and how you operate best
  • An understanding of your purpose and a way to reflect it in your ife
  • The ability to choose the best job, career, business idea, or structure for financial success and personal satisfaction
  • Insight into what you need in your relationships at home and work
  • A heart-centered way to connect with your colleagues, intimate partner, children, and beyond
  • Techniques to end your exhausting burnout-recovery cycle once and for all
  • The onset of the relief, harmony, peace, and calm you long for


  • Book a Readiness Call with Brigitte
  • Enroll in Human Design Mastery: A Path to Personal Transformation
  • Enroll in our private Facebook community & inroduce yourself
  • Set-up your calendar with Coaching and Backpocket call details & reminders
  • Attend LIVE as much as you can
  • Explore the Library and begin learning, practicing, and living your Design

Meet Kareen and Rayven:


Bonus 1: $4000 Value

Access To Our Growing Education & Resource Library

Dive into accurate Human Design information from trusted sources. Use training videos, cheat sheets, and workbooks to block out the noise and focus on what you need to do to make Human Design work for you.

This is the beginning of remaking yourself in the image of your Human Design. It’s foundational and unshakable.

Bonus 2: $6000 Value

Unlimited 30-minute Calls

Remember “Call a Friend” from the game show Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? The Backpocket Call is our version of Call A Friend.

If you have a personal issue or question that is too sensitive for group coaching calls or you want or need more personal attention, Backpocket Calls using Zoom is the answer. See our Gold Plus Package.

Bonus 3: $600 Value

Exclusive Access To Our Private Facebook Group

Start building your Human Design network and support system. Crowdsource your questions, get feedback from peers, and build like-minded relationships 24/7.

It definitely beats asking and waiting for scraps of information in online groups and forums.

Bonus 4: $200 Value

Mindset & Creativity Development

You will be excited to join Human Design Mastery. And in my experience, you will become impatient to see earth-shattering results.

That’s not how this works. Ask any of my clients. Many of them have needed help to stay the course when results didn’t come as fast as they wanted or the work actually required effort.

For me, this is an expected hurdle. I am used to it, but you’re not.

Not to worry though. I will be there to get you through it.

In the program, you will get monthly support to keep you moving forward.

I'll be going LIVE throughout Human Design Mastery for heart-to-heart mindset chats and deliberate creation activities.

Bonus 5: $47 Value

Workshops & Masterclasses

While enrolled in the program, workshops, and masterclasses will be deeply discounted or free.


Live group coaching and hot-seat calls ($1200 Value)

Unlimited Back-Pocket Zoom Calls ($6000 Value)

A Growing Education and Resource Library ($4000 Value)

Community in the Facebook Group ($600)

Mindset Management tips & tricks to keep you going ($100 Value)

Free and discounted Workshops & Masterclasses ($47)





You’re right. You do have a lot of choice. And, I encourage you to find the one you resonate with.

There is also a lot of free information and expensive DIY courses available to you.

  • And yet, folks still struggle to describe their Human Design much less explain how they use it in their lives.

What is missing in the free information and DIY courses?

A human being. A guide.

Someone to help you apply the information specifically to your life with its unique challenges and needs.

  • If you struggle to weave the parts of HD into a process, it’s hard to apply what you’ve read in a book or picked up from learners like yourself.
  • If your Human Design reading didn’t include practical solutions for your issues, it is challenging to get the results you want quickly.

Save yourself from buyer’s remorse.

Invest in conversations with someone who knows how to put the pieces of HD together for you.

If only I could go back and have conversations with someone who knew what it takes to learn and use HD like a scalpel instead of a sledge hammer, oh, the headaches I would have avoided.

And that's where Human Design Mastery comes in.

Click settings icon to slow or increase speed.


1. How do I know this is right for me?

Human Design Mastery is right for you if you want:

  • Help choosing the right career and job
  • Peaceful and loving relationships with yourself and others
  • Inspiration for a business idea, niche, or structure
  • To understand, accept, and trust yourself

Regardless of how new or senior you are to Human Design Mastery, you will learn how to use it get tangible and measurable results.

  • The magic happens when you apply what you are learning and ask for feedback from me and the 24/7 information-sharing community.

If this sounds good, Human Design Mastery is right for you!

And one more thing…

Have you already invested in HD readings and courses? Did you come away much wiser about how to apply the information to you?

If not, HD Mastery is for you. It teaches you how to use HD and keeps you accountable for your goals.

It is designed to take you out of your daily routine, where you automatically do things one way, and allows you space and time to focus on doing things a different way using your Human Design.

2. Why is it so affordable?

I strongly believe in the transforming power of Human Design, and I want it to be accessible to as many people as possible.

So, you are right. It’s definitely a steal!

3. What if I can’t make it to the LIVE calls in person?

Invest in conversations with someone who knows how to put the pieces of HD together for you.

If only I could go back and have conversations with someone who knew what it takes to learn and use HD like a scalpel instead of a sledge hammer, oh, the headaches I would have avoided.

Meet Maria and Robin:

5. What makes you think you can help me?

If the question is about my background and knowledge, here are my bona fides:

• Education: Nursing, Human Development, and Clinical Psychology

• Level 1 - Quantum Alignment System™ Practitioner

• Level 4 - Certified in Traditional Human Design in 2009 by Karen Curry Parker, a student of Ra Uru Hu, the transmitter of Human Design. I completed the curriculum and practicum necessary for each level as follows:

  • Level 1 – Strategy and Authority
  • Level 2 – Centers, Profile, Lines, and Incarnation Cross
  • Level 3 – Gates, Channels and Circuits.
  • Level 4 – Putting it all together, specific charms and challenges, deeper Incarnation Cross (Life Purpose) study

That’s a head full of knowledge right there, but that is not what prepared me to help you.

Lived experience brought me to this moment.

So, if you’re wondering if I have the experience to help you, then yes I do. Because, been there, done that.

I learned to use Human Design the hard way. On my own. By trial and error.

No human to guide me.

I firmly believe going solo prolonged the pain and suffering of living the not-self theme of my life.

I had to burn out a few more times before I understood the difference between me, a Projector type, and the Generator type.

My first hand knowledge of the challenges drives me to help you use HD skillfully sooner than later.

Brigitte’s 2008 Flyer for her Human Design Webinar using AudioAcrobat.. Posted all over Los Angeles..

In this program, I am literally working myself out of a job.

The more awake and skilled you become at using Human Design, the faster you become a catalyst for change in your own communities at home, work, etc.

In 2006, I learned about Human Design. Did I tell you that I am a 3/5 Splenic Projector?

Little did I know that this complex yet simple system would become my lifeline for the next two decades.

It helped me break free from the chains of an intrusive religion and taught me how existential it is to know your true self, master decision-making, cultivate self-trust, and learn to protect yourself in your environment.

I didn’t have these skills when I decided to leave a controlling religious environment. With eyes wide shut, I stepped into a roller-coaster of emotional and physical burnout and recovery. Up, down. Up, down.

Human Design helped me survive and thrive better than I could have done without it.

I don’t want anyone to endure the same exhausting burnout cycle I did.

If I’d had a guide, I would have understood Human Design faster and stopped living from day to day in a depleted state.

So, I’ve made it my mission to share what I’ve learned.

I know it takes courage to let me guide you. I’ve been in your shoes.

BUT, I also know that life and time waits for no man.

Often, informed leaps of faith are needed to get you where you want to go.

So, I promise to meet you in our community Facebook group, and coaching calls and be available during office hours to help you live your best life.

I’ll show you that your Human Design is a priceless gift that keeps on giving.



$197 per month (6-months)

(Regular $297)

Live Group Coaching and Hot-seat Calls (biweekly)

“Ask Brigitte” Q & A Calls (biweekly)

Unlimited 30-minute Zoom Calls

A Growing Education and Resource Library

Community in the Facebook Group

Mindset Management Support

Free and discounted Workshops & Masterclasses





And never miss our updates, videos, and articles.

And never miss our updates, videos, and articles.