Human Design Mastery Program
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Hi! I’m Brigitte.

  • I am a Human Design Educator and Behavioral Change Life Coach

  • I teach people how to use Human Design to improve their daily life, relationships, careers, jobs, or businesses in ways they never thought possible. 

  • I help religiously traumatized people heal, mourn, and strengthen their self-love and self-trust.

You Are In The Right Place If You Want:

  1. To have better relationships with yourself and others.

  2. To make money easily doing the best work for your personality

  3. To be heard and understood when you speak.

  4. To create and maintain healthy boundaries with less effort-ing.

  5. Relief from the pain of rejection, fear of the future, self-doubt, and guilt.

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What my clients say:

Brigitte Knight Human Design Coach Testimonial Review
Human Design Brigite Knight Counselor
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